Can I get a refund?

Can I get a refund?

We do not offer refunds.

CypherHunter does not hold custody of users' funds. Each user signs every transaction within their own wallet, and assumes total responsibility for any/all funds lost. Blockchain transactions are permanent, therefore users cannot be refunded for failed transactions, gas costs, or loss due to market dynamics (i.e. price impact, impermanent loss, or external theft).

Tips: CypherHunter does not assume responsibility for ANY loss of funds, and will not issue a refund for subscripitons.

In rare cases, if a user accidentally sends other funds directly to a CypherHunter smart contract address, they can be compensated for the loss. In these cases, please contact the CypherHunter Support Team (email us at [email protected]) and provide as many details as possible, including the transaction hash / ID.

Please note that a full KYC/AML procedure is required for this.